Monday, 30 November 2015

Review CXX - They Live

Review 120
They Live (1988)

I've been wanting to write a review for the month of November, but I haven't even watched any movies this whole month. I ended up going on an anime spree (and by spree, I mean I watched three shows, one of which had only seven minute episodes), but I didn't really have much to say. I can sum them all up in three words: Cowboy Bebop is pretty good, Tonari no Seki-kun is pretty cute, and N.H.K. ni Yƍkoso! is shit (at first I thought it was great, but halfway in, the show died). So what was I going to do? Finals are coming up and I have to study! But I ended up going out for yoga with my friend Thursday evening, so I had completed all my homework the day before, plus I got home late and wasn't going to start on homework then. Enter movie time. The winner? John Carpenter's They Live starring Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster. Awesome.

Nada (Piper) is a construction worker drifting through town, hoping to find work. He does, but in an "aliens-have-taken-over-and-are-keeping-us-in-the-dark" way. With the help of his friend Frank (David), and the mysterious woman Holly Thompson (Foster), Nada is ready to kick some alien butt.

They Live started off rather normally, but turned into a bad-ass John Carpenter after about twenty minutes. Seriously, the moment Nada gets the sunglasses, he starts killing and not giving a hoot. And I'm happy to say I finally know where that bubble gum line comes from now. It's pure, pure John Carpenter. If you like his weird, campy style, you'll love They Live. You will. I was actually expecting a more serious film given the subject matter. It's discussing the current state of affairs with a pretty good metaphor, I must say. I guess I was a little disappointed it wasn't as serious, but I always had a good time with this one. It brings up a true message, but it's still John Carpenter having fun. Thus, unlike the glasses, you can watch this film and not worry about coming down too hard. Great fun.

I... again have nothing else to say about this one. It's funny, it's serious, it's John Carpenter. Happy November, guys!

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