Tuesday 17 July 2012

Review XVI - The Big Lebowski

Review XVI
The Big Lebowski (1998)

I was busy sitting around one evening when I pulled out the list I made before summer began of all the films and television series I wanted to watch. I looked at it, and I realised I still had quite a few films to watch. I also realised I had mostly been watching Asian films lately, so I decided to watch some English speaking films again. Of course I chose The Big Lebowski directed by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen as the first film to watch.

Jeffrey Lebowski (Jeff Bridges), better known as the Dude, comes home one day to find two men demanding him some money because of his apparent wife, and one of them urinates on his rug. They soon realise they've targetted the wrong Jeffrey Lebowski, and promptly leave. The next day, the Dude talks over the ordeal with his bowling partners, Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) and Donny Kerabatsos (Steve Buscemi). Walter convinces the Dude to go to the other Jeffrey Lebowski's house and demand a new rug. When he arrives, Mr. Lebowski (David Huddleston) is anything but understanding, and instead, he proceeeds to refer to him as a bum and to get a job. He manages to get a rug by lying to Mr. Lebowski's butler (Philip Seymour Hoffman). The next day, the Dude is asked to save Mr. Lebowski's wife, Bunny (Tara Reid) and get some money by Mr. Lebowski's daughter, Maude (Julianne Moore), and the Dude and his companions are now in for a very strange ride.

The movie was very nineties' - it was weird, quirky, and funny, but I thought it did it well. I thought the actors and actresses did a fantastic job, including Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sam Elliott, and others. I thought the jokes were funny, and the writing was good too. It was a film that didn't really follow one plot, so in the end, you don't really find you went anywhere with the film, which bothered me a bit. I felt like I watched a good movie, but it didn't really end with a "conclusion", for lack of a better word. It just felt like we had the kidnapping business, it miraculously was fixed, and then boom, a bunch of random plots thrown in which go nowhere, and then the film is over. Although it had good points in it, and I liked the characters, the overall plot didn't bring me anywhere. While a film can be quirky and weird, I appreciate it when I actually get a film that feels like it ends. This one didn't feel like it ended. It just felt like it stopped, and it was not concluded. There's nothing that bothers me more than a film that was going well, and the ending is not good.

I'd give the film seven point six stars on ten. It was funny, and the writing was good, but the plot was a mess, in my opinion. Since the plot is an important part in a film, I can't give it an eight. Still, it's worth a watch for the dialogue and characters. Oh, also, the soundtrack was amazing.

Pirate Bay torrent

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